The first thing every writer must do is simple: read. A lot.
If you aren't interested in reading, how can you possibly be interested in writing? Only through the experience of feeling how others tell their stories can you learn how you can best tell your own.
While everyone has their own particular niche that they associate with the best, it can be a good idea for the fantasy fan to read a science fiction story, or the mystery lover to check out a political thriller. Reaching beyond your normal reading habits not only provides you with more insight into how differing stories are told, you may gain insight into how to utilize these other genres within your own tales! After all, a fantasy story with a mystery mixed in is imminently more interesting than a straight-forward fantasy story that's been done countless times before.
How about throwing some politics into your science fiction? Well I just happen to have a recommendation for you along these lines. This is the outstanding five book effort known as "The Gap" series by Stephen R. Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson is perhaps best known for his (soon to be) ten book fantasy series "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant". Normally, when an author dips from his normal genre into something else, the result can be toss-up. In this case, it makes me wonder what other amazing science fiction we've missed out on while Mr. Donaldson was working on his fantasy!
The Gap starts remarkably, in a book simply entitled "The Real Story". As unique a science fiction read as you'll find, the story revolves around three key figures as you try to piece together events that have just transpired- and of course, everyone always has a different take on what is going on... so what is the "real" story? You'll hardly be able to put the book down waiting to find out.
Just when you think you've finished an amazing one-book effort, however, you realize there are four more entries in the series. Suddenly the story takes flight into an epic tale of hardship and political conflict that never once gets confusing or loaded down with "sci-fi jargon". This is one reason the books hold so much appeal for non science-fiction readers... the true quality within this story is with the characters and their development- and much like the current rendition of "Battlestar Galactica" on the Sci-Fi network, the setting is not relevant to understand the machinations at work.
So if you normally roll your eyes at science fiction and think of nothing but Star Wars knock offs, I suggest you pick this series up and see what can be done when you really take control of your characters- and let them loose on the universe you've created.
The Real Story
Forbidden Knowledge
A Dark and Hungry God Arises
Chaos and Order
This Day All Gods Die
July 24, 2008
Book Recommendation: The Gap Series by Stephen R. Donaldson
Labels: Authors, Books, Reading, Science Fiction
Posted by Jaym at 9:07 PM 0 comments
July 22, 2008
NaNoWriMo: Embrace the Madness!
Admit it.
You love writing, and as a writer, you have always been dreaming of the day your glorious novel breaks all the bestseller records and rests upon the shelves of every bookstore in the world.
Right? Of course. Very few writers don't (at least at some point) have a "secret" dream to write the "Great (insert your nationality here) Novel".
So what's stopping you?
Probably the same thing that stops everyone: A level of overwhelming confusion, writer's block and general apprehension concerning how to actually start the writing process without messing everything up!
Well I have a wonderful solution for you: This November, write your novel. No, I didn't say start writing your novel. I said write your novel. The whole thing. Before the end of November.
Madness? Indeed. And tens of thousands of people sign up (for free) to do such a thing. Willingly, I might add! The event is known as "National Novel Writing Month" (NaNoWriMo) and allows the aspiring writer to abandon all good practices, all concerns and focus on one and only one thing: writing!
As Chris Baty, the creator of NaNoWriMo states, the goal isn't to write a perfect masterpiece in such an insane deadline, but rather to aim for something that would not "make someone vomit".
Such a humorous approach to the writing process is part of the great appeal of NaNoWriMo, and communities form all around the nation for writing support, many meeting in person at local coffee shops or bookstores to help each other stay on pace.
If you're interesting in jumping in to the process, you'll want to visit the NaNoWriMo website and sign up- this is your home page for keeping track of if you "win" or not- you're aiming for a word count of 50,000! (Winners get a shiny badge and bragging rights, not to mention a finished novel... something most did not have prior to starting!)
Visit the homepage at: National Novel Writing Month
Another recommendation if you decide to participate- the corresponding book for NaNoWriMo, "No Plot? No Problem!" by founder Chris Baty. This book should be available in the writing section of your local bookstore or your favorite online store. No Plot? No Problem! on Amazon
So, why put it off any longer? Set aside some time this fall and write that book you've always wanted to write! Just remember... no starting early- that's cheating!
Posted by Jaym at 11:08 PM 0 comments